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Water and Sewer

The Village of Lipton, along with the provincial and federal governments, came together to implement a new 1.4 million dollar reverse osmosis system providing R.O. water to every household. The meters are read remotely. 

Billing is processed monthly. Information regarding fees can be found in our Water and Sewer Bylaw. We also now offer pre-authorized debit for utility bill payments. The form is linked below, and can be returned to the office along with a void cheque in order to set it up. 

For any questions, please contact the Village Office.

Water Rates

Water and Sewer Regulation and Control

Pre-Authorized Debit Application

Bulk Fill Station

We have a bulk water fill station on the Southeast corner of Watson St. and Shamrock Ave. The station is operated by either coin or water FOB. $1 for 33 Gallons.

Be aware when turning off the truck fill that there is a 15 second delay in when the station is told to turn off to when the water will stop flowing. Please do your best to avoid flooding the street. 

Water FOBS are an excellent way to ensure you always have money for the water station. Instead of a pocket full of coins you can keep a FOB on your keychain. To set up an account, stop in at the Village Office. Payments for a water FOB can be made by cash, cheque, debit or E-transfer. Usage is be monitored by email, and your account balance will be sent to you every transaction so you will always know when your account is getting low. Please note that all new setups require a $30 deposit in addition to the balance being put onto your account. 

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